Home Business Google Statistics on IPv6 Adoption

Google Statistics on IPv6 Adoption

Let’s look at the good news first. According to the statistics published by Google in December, the world has attained 10 percent adoption of the IPV6 deployment. For this year, it began with a six percent adoption. The measure of IPV6 done by Google has them test their computers using certain java scripts to acknowledge the truth. During weekends, most manage this task. However, less than 8 percent of the people use IPv6. For this reason, we know that there are more people using IPv6 at homes than workplaces.

Google also keeps a track record of the adoption in the world. The study is done countrywide. According to Google, more countries have increased the IPv6 adoption. The leading country with the highest adoption is Belgium with 43 percent. For the past two years, many other nations in Latin America and Europe. Some countries, including many African nations and China, are quickly keeping up with the race. However, the IPv6 performance in those areas experiences poor performance.For the last four years, there has been a significant increment in IPv6 adoption. Google users have gained the connectivity at a faster rate in the past few years. However, there is a slow adoption in Africa. For this reason, they have more IPv4 addresses than any other continent in the world. Most of the slow adopters of this technology will experience failure in the future.

As a matter of fact, the existing IPv4 addresses will not be eradicated. However, it will be hard to keep the web growing in a better way without a steady supply of current IP addresses. For example, you will discover that your new Internet Service Provider can’t allocate a static IPv4 address when moving to a new place. Some applications may fail with the continued use of the IPv6.

For a web browser to play a video, there is some data transferred to the browser. However, this is not the hardest part. There is an enormous infrastructure of radio transmitters and cabling to make a dream come true. For you to know the voltages and night passes, it becomes the hardest part. When standard gates replaced or updated, there are only to devices needed. IPv6 is the future of the internet.