We are all puzzled by the bugs and insects we get to see around ourselves. And why won’t we? After all there are so many species and subspecies present on this earth, that it is but common to feel nauseated or scared upon seeing a few of them at least. But these creatures here are not to scare you but to get some knowledge and to get to know them little things.
1. Giant Long-Legged Katydid (Malaysia)

It has the honor of being one of the largest katydids of the world and is an inhabitant of Malaysian mountainous regions. It is a species of carnivorous giant katydid and survives by eating small insects and other bugs mostly.
2. Puss Moth Caterpillar

The effect is quite awesome. But it is mostly for horrifying purposes literally. You touch it and it will turn and face you with that weird look. These bugs are bright green in color and often have a row of white spots lining their bodies.
3. Hickory Horned Devil (North America)
4. Antlion (Worldwide)
5. Little Barrier Island Giant Weta

Some of these buggers may reach the size of rats but you won’t like them particularly if you do not like locusts in general or are squeamish towards the insect world. They are quite harmless and generally do no create much trouble. There are more than a hundred different kinds of these bugs.